1. RELAX! Everyone gets nervous about tests. It is normal. Try to relax and not worry!
2. LISTEN: Listen to and read all the directions carefully! Ask your teacher to explain any directions you do not understand.
3. READ: Read each question and answer very carefully!
4. THINK: If you are not sure how to answer a question right away, relax and give yourself some time to think about it. Eliminate answer choices that you know are incorrect and choose from those that remain.
- Do what you are asked to do. Make sure you understand what the question is asking.
- Make sure your answer makes sense. Think it through.
- If more than one answer seems right, pick the answer that sounds best or most correct.
5. PLAN YOUR TIME: Do not spend too much time on any one question! If a question seems to take too long, skip it and go back to it later (if possible). Answer the questions you are sure of first.
6. BE POSITIVE: Some questions will be hard to answer and others will be easy. Don’t be concerned with other students. Just concentrate and try your best!